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Dream Dictionary (ongoing)

This dictionary provides a vocabulary for experiences that follow “dream logic,” or the type of sense-making that is understood in dreams but is hard to translate retrospectively.

Amapment (noun)

  1. (neologism) Familiarity with a dream location.

Example: sometimes I experience anapment, or I know that the dream I am in somehow connects to another dream I’ve had before, not even narrative wise but location. Like I know that it’s in the same world; sometimes I revisit the same place.

Amoria (noun)

  1. (neologism) An intimate relationship with a dream character who is unknown in waking life. 

Example: I've had amoria, and when I wakeup I'm surprised, because I realize the person in the dream never existed, but it felt like they were a part of my entire life while I was in the dream.

Arrowza (noun)

  1. (neologism) A change in feelings for someone in waking life after they appear in a dream. 

Example: I dreamt about someone in my math class and woke up with arrowza. I couldn’t stop thinking about them.

Buzzragis (noun)

  1. (neologism) The translation of a waking sound into the dream world

Example: I had a horrible case of buzzargis last night. There was a bomb ticking in my dream, and I didn’t realize until later that it was because my alarm clock was going off. 

Conondur (verb)

  1. (neologism) To recall vibrant and fragmented images of a dream without their context such that they no longer make sense in waking life.

Example: She conondured being in a bedroom but could not remember how she got there or what happened next.

Fatencil (verb)

  1. (neologism) The act of dreaming about someone who also dreamt of you the same night. 

Example: My boyfriend and I fatenciled last night -- we both dreamt that we met each other in a highschool. 

Flalium (verb)

  1. (neologism) To feel like you are falling in a dream. (Speculated to be an evolutionary response).

Example: I hate when I flalium in a dream; I always feel it in my stomach.

Foresentric (adj) 

  1. (neologism) The moment when a dream comes true.

Example: I had the weirdest foresentric moment while camping last weekend; I saw the treehouse from a childhood dream.


  1. (neologism) When viscerally cohesive dream knowledge does not make sense by waking standards, such that two things become true at once. When a person or place that you know in the waking world has a different body/form in a dream, but not questioning it in the dream; or when a location you know to be somewhere from waking life in a dream turns out to be somewhere else in retrospect.

Example: I experienced impostra last night. Somebody was looking for me? And it was my friend’s mom was looking for me, but I know his mom and it wasn’t his mom. She had a different face.

Example: I had impostra; I was transported to my grandma’s house except it wasn’t actually her house.. It was just a random house that was supposed to be her house.

Lagarium (noun)

  1. (neologism) Difficulty moving in a dream. Can feel like moving through jello or underwater. (Often attributed to the sleeping body’s restraints).

The lagarum was so strong that when I went to punch the guy, my arm wouldn’t move.

Memashia (noun)

  1. (neologism) Uncertainty of whether a memory is of a dream or from waking life or neither. 

Example: I can't tell if this is a real memory of a dream or if it's just memasia

Nonigma (noun)

  1. (neologism) Being separate from your physical body, looking at a situation that your physical body is in; being in two places at once. Often described in reference to waking dissociative states: “I as the narrator/observer am outside of a material body that is separate, but I can feel the feelings of both selves.”

Example: Last night I had nonigma. I was sitting in the chair that faces the basement door at the same time that I am looking at my self sitting in the chair.

Phantogma (noun) 

  1. (neologism) Having an eerily strong dream about someone.

Example: The phantogma for my ex was so strong I couldn’t help but text him. 

Plabundo (noun)

  1. (neologism) A memory from a previous dream that is only recalled inside of dreams. Involves knowledge of a dream history that is different from a waking history. 

In the dream, I remembered the house I grew up in, not in real life-- it was a plabundo.


  1. (neologism) The overlaying of several dream locations into one. Seamless movement between different dream settings that have a similar felt quality, such that they are known to be the same place. Usually referenced in retrospect as a sudden shift in scene, but is fluid and makes sense while it’s happening. 

Recumbur (verb)

  1. (neologism) To warp the details of a dream experience in order to fit it into words

Example:  “And I was walking around and I guess...Uh, ok I’m recumbering…nevermind. Here’s what I am able to describe...” 

Sertania (noun)

  1. (neologism) The desire to share a particularly powerful or strange dream

Example: My dream was so incredible last night I couldn’t help but tell it to everyone the next day. I had the most immense sertania. 

Sophanta (verb)

  1. (neologism) To fluidly morph between bodies or combine physical bodily forms (a type of body prespectra). Recognizing this is usually used as a trigger for lucid dreaming.

Example: But like my mom was like… a leg. She could sophanta, or transform into legs whenever she wanted.

Spectacium (noun)

  1. (neologism) To observe a scene in a dream but not be part of it.

Dream Dictionary: Dream Dictionary
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